JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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209 lines
What is BugTrakr?
BugTrakr (Bug Tracker) is a database program that keeps track of
computer program bugs. But it is more than that. It makes it easy to
document, sort and track the progress of fixes to bugs and implementations
of enhancements.
Who would use BugTrakr?
BugTrakr is for three types of people, those who develop software, those
who perform quality assurance on software and those who review software.
Or, it is for anyone who would like an easy way of writing a note about
any change they would like in a computer program.
At PC Consulting, we call these notes "Software Change Requests", or SCRs
for short.
Types of SCRs
There are two types of SCRs. A problem is something wrong with the program.
It does not perform the way it should; it is a bug. An enhancement is a
feature that someone would like to see added to the program; it adds
Classification of SCRs
SCRs (problems or enhancements) can be written against the program code
itself or the documentation. Documentation includes the manual or help.
The two classifications are program code and documentation.
There are three levels of severity supported by BugTrakr. They are Critical,
Moderate and Slight. We use these levels of severity to guide us in what
gets fixed or enhanced first. We work only on Critical bugs and enhancements
unless, for some reason, we cannot procede. Then we work on Moderates. And,
finally, we work on Slights. Our clients assign the severity which controls
what we work on first.
SCR Form
We have a pre-printed form that we give to our clients to report bugs to us.
A similar form is available when you register the product.
BugTrakr is ShareWare
This means that it is not free, but you are permitted to "try before you buy".
When you decide to register it, there is a form on-line. Press F1 for help,
then choose the Registration option. Print the screen, fill out the form and,
with $20, send it to us.
BugTrakr 20-Record Limit
The ShareWare product is limited to 20 records. This should give you plenty
of trial space. The registered product, of course, is unlimited.
Page 1
Starting BugTrakr
The first thing you see when you start BugTrakr is this:
║ BugTrakr - Software Change Request Database ║
║ Memory Free: 206088 ║
║ Version 1.13 ║
║ Registered: 20 Record ShareWare - $20 to Register! ║
║ Date: 5/31/93 ║
║ Client: PCC ║
║ Product: BugTrakr ║
║ Edit SCR Log ║
║ Reports ║
║ Client & Product Information ║
║ "Esc" or "Escape" to Exit... ║
Memory Free: shows how much free memory is available for BugTrakr's
overlay files and any other programs you might want to load.
Version 1.13 is strictly the ShareWare Demo Version. You get a later
version if you register.
Date: is today's date, just for reference.
Client: Shows your current database client selection. You can keep databases
for as many clients as you want.
Product: Shows your current database product selection. You can keep databases
for as many products for a client as you want.
"Edit SCR Log" is the menu choice that is used most often. It opens a table
of SCRs. This table can be sorted three ways: by SCR number, by Status and
by Synopsis. You can enter new SCRs, delete SCRs or modify existing SCRs
"Reports" gives you a menu of SCRs that can be printed to paper, to screen or
to file.
"Client & Product Information" displays a form for you to change the
client code and the product name for whom you want to track SCRs.
Look at the last four lines at the bottom of the screen.
The information on the cyan (light blue) bar changes when you go from
one function to another. It tells you what keys are active. The last
three lines are usually green. This is the mini-help area. It changes
with each different field and every menu choice. Watching this area is
all most people need to learn this program.
F1 help is available at this main menu. It is also available elsewhere as
described in the mini-help. You can modify mini-help to suit your own
taste... see F1 help.
Page 2
Edit SCR Log
Choosing this item from the main menu displays a screen like this:
║ Software Change Request (SCR) LOG by Number ║
║ Client:PCC ║
║ LOCATE: Product:BugTrakr ║
║ SCR Qty: 1 ║
║ SCR# Status Synopsis ║
║ 1 O1 Sample SCR ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
╚═ Tab/ShftTab: Change Sort══ AltM: Sort Menu══ AltS: Search for String═╝
This is a table of SCRs. The top portion shows your client code and product.
There are three columns of information: SCR#, Status and Synopsis. The
position of these three columns changes in accordance with the sort order.
Use the Tab or the Shift-Tab key to change the sort. This sample shows the
table sorted by SCR#. Press Tab to have the table resorted by Status. Status
would then move to the left and SCR# would wrap around to the right. Instead
of the Tab key, you can select a tiny menu of sort selections with the AltM key.
You can search the Synopsis field and the large description field for a string
with the AltS key. This proves quite useful when you can't remember wether or
not an SCR already exists for a particular problem.
Point to a record and press Enter to open the red editing screen:
╔═══════════════ Update SCR Log Editing an existing record ═══════════════╗
║ PCC BugTrakr 1Version:0.03A-Beta ║
║ SCR#: 1 5/31/93 2Reporter:Your Name Edited: 5/31/93 ║
║ 3Type:Enhancement Class:Documentation Severity:Slight ║
║ ║
║4Menu Choices:N/A ║
║ 5Status:O1 Open: to be resolved normally, highest severity first. ║
║ 6Synopsis:Sample SCR ║
║ 7Description:SCR stands for Software Change Request. BugTrakr keeps ║
║ | Track of these "bugs". ║
║ (Alt-7) ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 8Resolution: ║
You will see the same screen if you press Del to delete a record, except the
message will say press Enter to Delete.
You will see the same screen if you press Ins to insert a record, except the
message will say adding a record and the fields will mostly be blank.
If you want to quickly get to a field before you forget something you can
choose Alt7, for example, to get to the Description field. Then you can go
back to the fields you skipped and enter the info at your leisure.
Page 3
║ Reports ║
╟────By Severity───╢
║ Open ║
║ Closed ║
║ All (O/C/A) ║
║ All by # ║
║ All by Synopsis ║
║ Open Detail ║
║ Closed Detail ║
║ SCR Cover Sheets ║
║ Status Codes ║
The reports menu has two sections "By Severity" and "Other".
To register, see F1 Help, "Registration". Print Screen the form.
Asa Dean
1124 Copper Lantern Court
Modesto, CA 95355
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